About us
We are the Conservation Law Center of Chile – centroderechoconservacion.org
We are in the process of establishing legal presence in the U.K. as The Conservation Right Foundation, for the promotion of this new legal institution world-wide.
What we do
Our International Endeavor
Our international endeavor is to promote the ´conservation right´ in different jurisdictions. We are in the process of establishing a presence in the U.K. for this purpose.
We believe that our planet and the human kind require new strategies that facilitate the unfolding of new practices that take into account nature´s value -the natural capital-.
We are committed to a new paradigm, to new reflexive forms of regulation, which we believe are the only possible way to increase the probabilities of successfully tackling the regulatory trilemma of climate change and environmental degradation.
Our Endeavor in Chile
Our endeavor in Chile relates to the proper implementation of the conservation right in relevant projects.
In this context, the Conservation Law Center has worked pro-bono to establish the first private conservation right as well as the first State owned conservation right in Chile.
The first case was registered on July 25th of 2016 in Linares, and referred to an eco-village project -La bella Eco-Aldea-. In this case, the purpose was to: (One) create a cooperative relationship between the landowner and a first stakeholder: Fundación Buenas Tierras. (Two) Secure different levels of conservation in different areas of the corresponding land; (Three) Secure conservation through a mechanism that would facilitate later inclusion or involvement of different stakeholders –or interested parties-; (Four) facilitate the development of local sustainable projects, education projects and broad community cooperation.
The second case was registered on March 2018 in Los Vilos, and related to the conservation of Hacienda El Durazno. For this purpose two different conservation rights were drafted. The first conservation right was general and was established in favor of Fundación Llampangui with the purpose of facilitating the reflexive inclusion of all stakeholders for long term social, economic and environmental sustainability. The second one -drafted in cooperation with the legal department of Conaf- was more specific and was established in favor of Conaf for the conservation of specific ecosystems and biological corridors.
We are working on several other projects and our experience is that each case requires tailor made solutions. The use of a general model could be very problematic not only from an ecological perspective but specially from a social and a legal perspective.
We are also working on projects located in urban areas, as well as on some relating to forestry and agriculture.
The Conservation Law Center is interested in providing as much pro-bono support as possible to different project holders for the proper implementation of this new reflexive paradigm of conservation.
The Conservation Law Center and Ubilla & Cia. have worked pro-bono to establish the first private conservation right as well as the first State owned conservation right.
The first case was registered on July 25th of 2016 in Linares, and referred to an eco-village project -La bella Eco-Aldea-. In this case, the purpose was to: (One) create a cooperative relationship between the landowner and a first stakeholder: Fundación Buenas Tierras. (Two) Secure different levels of conservation in different areas of the corresponding land; (Three) Secure conservation through a mechanism that would facilitate later inclusion or involvement of different stakeholders –or interested parties-; (Four) facilitate the development of local sustainable projects, education projects and broad community cooperation.
We are working on several other projects and our experience is that each case requires tailor made solutions. The use of a general model could be very problematic not only from an ecological perspective but specially from a social and a legal perspective.
We are also working on projects located in urban areas, as well as on some relating to forestry and agriculture.
The Conservation Law Center and Ubilla & Cia. are interested in providing as much pro-bono support as possible to different project holders for the proper implementation of this new reflexive paradigm of conservation.
The second case was registered on March 2018 in Los Vilos, and related to the conservation of Hacienda El Durazno. For this purpose two different conservation rights were drafted. The first conservation right was general and was established in favor of Fundación Llampangui with the purpose of facilitating the reflexive inclusion of all stakeholders for long term social, economic and environmental sustainability. The second one -drafted in cooperation with the legal department of Conaf- was more specific and was established in favor of Conaf for the conservation of specific ecosystems and biological corridors.
Documents / Bibliography
Bulletin No. 5.823-07. del Congreso Nacional de la República de Chile, Comisión de Constitución (2015). Segundo Informe de La Comisión de Constitución, Legislación, Justicia y Reglamento, Recaído En El Proyecto de Ley, En Segundo Trámite Constitucional, Que Establece El Derecho Real de Conservación. Bulletin No. 5.823-07
Law N°20.930, that establishes the Conservation Right, promulgated in Chile on June 10, 2016.
Luhmann, Niklas (2015). El Origen de La Propiedad y Su Legitimación: Un Recuento Histórico. Original Title: Der Ursprung Des Eigentums Und Seine Legitimation. In: W. Krawietz et Al (Hrsg.), Technischer Imperativ Und Legitimationskrise Des Rechts, Rechtstheorie Beiheft 11, Berlin, 1991,” Revista MAD – Universidad de Chile 33.
Ubilla, Jaime (2003). La Conservación Privada de Biodiversidad y el Derecho Real de Conservación. Revista de Derecho Ambiental de la Universidad de Chile, Nº1, 2003;
Ubilla, Jaime (2014). Propuesta de Indicaciones al Proyecto de Ley del Derecho Real de Conservación. Centro de Derecho de Conservación, Chile, June 9th, 2014. Disponible en: http://www.centroderechoconservacion.org/documentos/indicaciones-proyecto-derecho-real-de-conservacion- 06092014.pdf. This document was sent to Senators A. Horvath and A. de Urresti. This explains why the indications of these two senators are fundamentally identical -see Bulletin No. 5823, pp. 82
Ubilla, Jaime (2015). El Titular del Derecho Real de Conservación. Propuesta de Modificación o Indicación a la Comisión de Constitución del Senado de la República de Chile. Centro de Derecho de Conservación, Chile, Octubre 2015;
Ubilla, Jaime (2016a). Reflexive Law and Reflexive Property Rights. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Law of the University of Edinburgh, 2016. Disponible en: https://www.era.lib.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1842/22860/Ubilla%20Fuenzalida2016.pdf?sequence=1
Ubilla, Jaime (2016b). El Derecho Real de Conservación: Justificación Normativa y Socio-legal, Revista de Derecho de la Universidad de Concepción, Nº240, Jul-Dic 2016, P.151-185;
Ubilla, Jaime (2016c). El Derecho Real de Conservación: Naturaleza Jurídica y Noción de Gravamen, Boletín-http://www.centroderechoconservacion.org/boletines/Boletin-001-DRC-28092016.pdf, Sept.2016
Ubilla, Jaime (2017). The Conservation Right: Analytical and Socio-Legal Understandings. From Hohfeld to Luhmann, a paper submitted to the San Francisco Chile-California Conference on Conservation, 24th of September 2017.